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Raccoons DO Go Out In The Winter

Raccoon out in the winter
Raccoons Do Go Out In The Winter - Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control

It’s common to think something is wrong if you see a raccoon out during the winter. But raccoons do go out in the winter! You may think it’s sick, or that the changes in climate are causing it to act out of character. The truth is - raccoons do not hibernate. They are active all year!


While you may see less raccoons in the extreme cold, they do not hibernate in the real sense of the word. Hibernation is a state of energy conservation where the animal’s metabolic rate slows down enough for them to conserve energy and survive extreme weather conditions. Hibernation can last from days to months.


So, what do raccoons do in the winter? While they spent warmer months storing fat for the winter, they will remain active all year. When the extreme cold hits they lay low in their den. Raccoons can enter a state of torpor, which is just a prolonged state of inactivity that can last a few days. They still have to get up to forage for food to survive.


If there is a warmer spell, you can be sure they are out enjoying the weather somewhere. They may also be enjoying your property - garbage and compost are great food sources for raccoons. They are also smart enough to know how to gain access to attics and they know how warm they are. Be sure to periodically check your property for signs of damage or entry. This can include, but is not limited to:

  1. Lifted or missing soffits

  2. Damaged or missing roof vent covers

  3. Torn fascia

  4. Scurrying, thumping or scratching noises in your attic

  5. Digging under sheds, decks or porches


If you suspect a raccoon has been frequenting your property or gotten into your home this winter, call Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control. We are insured and experienced in getting wildlife out and keeping them out. We can also install prevention measures to stop wildlife before they gain access!


Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas.


Phone: (519) 421-2677

Text: (289) 987-0390

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