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  • Benefits of Professional Pest Control

    It’s all the rage - DIY solutions for almost anything you can think of. And while DIY solutions can be effective (and cost-effective), it’s not always the best approach. A lot of times, what works for one person doesn’t have the same outcome for the other. And how do you know which sources are reliable? In the age of information, it can be overwhelming.   Thankfully when it comes to pest control, hiring a professional should be a no-brainer. All too often we hear of customers trying to tackle an insect or rodent issue themselves, only to spend the same amount of money (or more) without ever getting on top of the issue. And not to mention all the time wasted.   Of course, there are things you can do to mitigate insect and rodent activity such as sealing holes, cracks and crevices; keeping garbage stored properly; storing food in airtight containers and eliminating clutter. But these tips likely won’t eliminate an infestation, rather they work in conjunction with professional pest control.   So, what are the benefits of hiring a professional company? If you choose a reputable , reliable , experienced , licensed and insured  pest control company, you can reap the following benefits:   Inspect for damage A professional opinion Eliminate the pest at the source Prevent further damage to your home or property Suggestions on mitigating the issue Repairs or suggestions on repairs you can easily do yourself Save money in the long run Save your time and energy Follow-up visits   Professional exterminators in Ontario must obtain a license to offer insect and rodent control, and renew their license periodically. This allows them access to the most effective products for each situation, and the training to apply the products in a way that works best to eliminate the issue. At Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control, we stand behind our services. We always conduct a thorough inspection to determine the best course of action. We also bring you along to show you areas of concern and offer suggestions to go along with our pest control services. If you suspect you need pest control, or are actively seeing insects, contact us for more information! We are always happy to answer your questions.   Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Paris, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas.   Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Online Booking:

  • Raccoons DO Go Out In The Winter

    Raccoons Do Go Out In The Winter - Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control It’s common to think something is wrong if you see a raccoon out during the winter. But raccoons do go out in the winter! You may think it’s sick, or that the changes in climate are causing it to act out of character. The truth is - raccoons do not hibernate. They are active all year!   While you may see less raccoons in the extreme cold, they do not hibernate in the real sense of the word. Hibernation is a state of energy conservation where the animal’s metabolic rate slows down enough for them to conserve energy and survive extreme weather conditions. Hibernation can last from days to months.   So, what do raccoons do in the winter? While they spent warmer months storing fat for the winter, they will remain active all year. When the extreme cold hits they lay low in their den. Raccoons can enter a state of torpor, which is just a prolonged state of inactivity that can last a few days. They still have to get up to forage for food to survive.   If there is a warmer spell, you can be sure they are out enjoying the weather somewhere. They may also be enjoying your property - garbage and compost are great food sources for raccoons. They are also smart enough to know how to gain access to attics and they know how warm they are. Be sure to periodically check your property for signs of damage or entry. This can include, but is not limited to: Lifted or missing soffits Damaged or missing roof vent covers Torn fascia Scurrying, thumping or scratching noises in your attic Digging under sheds, decks or porches   If you suspect a raccoon has been frequenting your property or gotten into your home this winter, call Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control. We are insured and experienced in getting wildlife out and keeping them out. We can also install prevention measures to stop wildlife before they gain access!   Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas.   Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Online Booking:

  • Mice and Rats Are Moving In! Schedule Regular Preventive Maintenance for your Home

    Mice and rats know when the seasons change and they adjust their lifestyle accordingly. This means it’s no coincidence you are seeing or hearing more activity this fall. Fall and winter are busy for pest control companies as rodents are seeking shelter from the cold. This is an ideal time of year to mark you calendar for regular mice and rats preventive maintenance.   While there are no “baby seasons” with mice and rats (they produce babies all year round), they certainly like to find a nice warm building to over-winter. And while they may have been present all year - they become more noticeable now.   Signs of a rodent infestation can include:  Scratching noises in walls, floor spaces and/or attics Gnawed wires Droppings and/or urine Tufts of fur on concrete or plywood corners Sawdust or musty ammonia odour Holes in foundation, cupboards, walls Tunnels in your yard   Mice and rats are attracted to warmth and food sources. So while you can’t control how cozy your home may seem to them, you can control other things. Proper storage of garbage, recycling, pet food and people food in sealed containers is important, as well as reducing clutter indoors and out and scheduling regular mice and rats preventive maintenance.   If you’ve noticed any of the above signs in your home or business, contact us! At Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control, we are licensed, insured and experienced in dealing with rodent infestations. We are happy to answer any questions you have and provide an over-the-phone estimate.   Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas.   Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Online Booking:

  • Why Am I Seeing So Many Skunks?

    We always notice an uptick in skunk calls this time of year. You may have noticed them too - more skunks on the road, in your neighbourhood, or perhaps in your yard.   While they are quite harmless - and a little clumsy - we can understand their irritating qualities. They love to dig up lawns for grubs and can dig their way underneath your deck or shed for shelter. They may even fall into your window well with no idea on how to escape! And not to mention dogs getting sprayed for being too close.   Fall is the perfect season for skunks to be out. Baby season is over, meaning spring’s litters should have enough survival skills to make it on their own. Food is not too scarce yet - but they forage knowing the cold is coming. Den sites are being scouted out so they can over-winter safely and eventually have babies come springtime.   So, why am I seeing so many skunks and what can you do?   We will say this - it’s never a great idea to try and live trap an animal yourself. Trapping and relocating is not a year-round thing. And the type of trap matters too, especially if you don’t want to get sprayed yourself. Always contact a professional for advice.   The best ways to avoid a skunk issue include:   Treating your yard for grubs through a licenced lawn care company Frequently checking the perimeter of structures on your property (trailer, garage, shop, shed, deck) for signs of damage or digging   If you suspect a vulnerable area where an animal can gain access, or maybe something is already living there, we can help. We use tried and true methods to exclude wildlife and prevent them from coming back. Contact us this fall for a free, over-the-phone quote!   Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas.   Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Online Booking:

  • Prevention and Exclusion - What Does That Include?

    Prevention work is the top way to avoid wildlife issues in your home or on your property. Frequently scanning the exterior of your home for signs of weakness or damage can help avoid a wildlife issue altogether. If you notice loose soffits, missing roof vent covers, an uncapped chimney or broken exhaust vents, chances are an animal will notice it too. Prevention also comes in the form of making your home and yard undesirable for pests and wildlife. Clean up clutter, store garbage properly and check your foundation for easy access points. That being said, sometimes wildlife still find their way in. Or maybe you know they’re already there! Thankfully exclusion work is the next best option. Raccoons and squirrels are especially good at causing damage, and they are getting smarter by the season. They know which areas of the home are easiest to gain access. Exclusion work is a two-step process and includes: Conducting a thorough inspection. This is done to determine what type of animal is inside and where they gained access. Sometimes there is only one entry point and sometimes there are multiple. Animal-proofing all entry points. The main entry point is animal-proofed in such a way that allows any animals to escape your home, but not re-enter. Vulnerable spots may also be pointed out during inspection with the option of installing prevention measures at the same time. A common misconception about excluding wildlife from your attic or building is that they are trapped and removed on the spot. This is not usually the case. The animal is allowed the chance to leave on their own, which they will inevitably do when they leave to forage. They return to find they have been locked out - forcing them to relocate. It’s humane AND effective! Fall is the perfect time to install prevention, exclusion or both. Baby season is over, young have left their mom with enough survival skills and wildlife are not holed up for the winter just yet. Work can be done on soffits, eaves, roof lines, roof vents, exhaust vents, chimneys and more. Whether you are interested in installing preventative measures, or are at the point where exclusion is required, Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control is here to help. We have all the necessary knowledge and equipment to animal-proof your home from squirrels, raccoons, skunks, chipmunks, birds and more. Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas. Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Online Booking:

  • Bees, Wasps or Something Else? Spot the Difference

    So you have something buzzing around your home - but what is it? The common culprit this time of year are wasps and hornets, however there are so many variations of the insects and their nests - it can be hard to identify them without getting close. Common nests you may find on your property include: Yellow Jacket Paper Wasp Hornets Mud Daubers These insects appear smooth and shiny with bright black and/or yellow markings. You might be able to see a nest hanging, or you may see them going into crevices in your siding, soffits or bricks. Ground nests are also common. These insects are considered pests when their presence becomes hazardous with the potential to cause harm. Because they can sting multiple times, they have no problem becoming aggressive if they feel threatened. As licensed exterminators, we can handle these types of insects. We remove any visible nest and/or spray the area with industrial strength insecticide that works on contact and also continues to work over time.  You may come across bees on your property, albeit less often. Honey bees and bumblebees are quite easy to identify and are considered protected - meaning an exterminator is not permitted to remove or harm them. They are crucial to the environment as top pollinators and native species are at risk of becoming endangered. They also don’t want to hurt you - they can only sting once before it ends their life. Honey bees Bumblebees These insects appear fuzzy with black and yellow-amber markings. If there’s a hive on your property, it’s usually inside a wall cavity or inside an appliance like your AC unit. You may see a big swarm of them out in the open - this happens when a colony outgrows its hive and a portion of them have to relocate. They will typically move on in a few days. If you’re concerned you can contact a beekeeper at Ontario Bee Rescue to assist with removal. Bumblebee nests are rare to come across. If you do, it’s best to leave it alone to let it run its course. If you have a wasp or hornet infestation - contact us! We have all the gear to safely tackle these insects so you can enjoy your yard again or not worry about getting stung while bringing your groceries in. Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas. Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Online Booking:

  • Common Types of House Ants and How to Deter Them

    Ants love to appear in the warmer weather. They are a good source of food for some birds when outdoors, however they can become a nuisance if they take over your living space, and some can even cause significant damage. We’re here to help you identify the different types of house ants and how to prevent or deter them. Pavement Ants: Brown or black. 3-4mm in size. Nest in soil, between walls, under house slabs and patio slabs. Attracted to sweet material, insects, grease, oils. Odorous House Ant: Brown or black. 3mm in size. Nest in soil, under wood or stones, in walls, under floors. Attracted to sweet materials. Emit an odour when crushed. Thief Ant: Shiny yellow-brown. 1 to 1.5mm in size. Nest in the ground, rotting wood, foundation walls. Attracted to protein as opposed to sweet (food, larvae). Live in large colonies. Little Black Ant: Dark brown-black. 1.5mm in size. Nest in soil, rotten wood, behind baseboards. Attracted to insects, fruit, vegetables, grease, oils. Carpenter Ant: Red-brown or black. 6-13mm in size. Nest in moist, humid or rotting areas like doors, wood cabinets, near dishwashers, behind baseboards, door frames, window frames, wall voids, polystyrene insulation, fibreglass. Attracted to insects, plants, household food. Carpenter ants typically keep their destruction to the damp area but can cause significant structural damage over the long term. The best ways to deter ants: Replace rotting wood Store wood off the ground and away from your house Clean up spills right away Regularly clean inside cupboards and appliances Store food in airtight containers Properly secure garbage, recycling and compost Ant traps and insecticide from the hardware store - for mild/transient ant issues. Keep in mind these are not always effective. Hire an exterminator For more information: If you suspect an ant issue - whether indoors or out - calling a licensed exterminator is the best way to get rid of them. We’ll do an inspection to determine the best course of action and treat on the spot. Our industrial strength insecticide is most effective when the ants are out and about, as they track it back to their colony. Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas. Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Online Booking:

  • Birds in Your Vent - Now What?

    Bathroom, kitchen and dryer exhaust vents are the perfect home for birds. They are up high, warm and perfectly sheltered. However - it’s not ideal for us as home dwellers. The number one way to stop this from happening is to periodically inspect your vent covers. If you notice one is damaged or broken, have it fixed ASAP. Birds are always scouting for new areas to build a nest and stopping them before they start is the best prevention. The most common nuisance birds include: Pigeons European Starlings House Sparrows Grackles Crows Tree, Cliff and Barn Swallows The smaller the bird, the easier it is for them to fit comfortably inside a vent. If you see nesting materials sticking out of a vent or birds flying in and out, calling a professional wildlife removal company is your next step. We will inspect the area, clear out any accessible nesting material and install an animal-proof vent cover. We also offer preventative work to stop birds before they get inside by replacing your existing plastic covers with our animal-proof ones. For more information on nuisance birds and their nesting & feeding habits, head to Whether you require bird removal services or just want to animal-proof your home, Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control can be trusted with the job. We are licensed, insured and ready! We service Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas. Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Online Booking:

  • How to Keep Wildlife Out of Your Garden

    We are finally at the start of gardening season. With all that time and effort put in it can be discouraging to see your beautiful, healthy flowers and vegetables be taken down by wildlife. Whether they’ve been trampled, dug up, torn apart or gone missing - you can guess who the culprit may be. Deer, squirrels, rabbits and rodents are among the top garden destroyers. Thankfully we have a handful of DIY tips to deter them from your garden: You can plant different things. Prickly plants will deter little paws; the scent of marigolds can deter squirrels; plant spicy vegetables or spread garlic/cayenne/chili powder; plant peppermint or apply peppermint oil You can also try applying different things to your garden like predator urine or add blood meal to your soil. Both of these will need to be reapplied after rainfall. Of course keeping your yard clean will help. Keep garbage and compost properly secured; eliminate clutter; get rid of fallen fruits or vegetables; pick up pet waste; tidy bird feeder areas. Be wary of areas that act as a nice shelter for small animals. If possible, installing proper fencing around your garden or plants is the best way to stop animals from making a mess. Devices can also be purchased and installed such as motion sensor lights, ultrasonic sounds devices and ground vibration devices. While having wildlife in your garden is a nuisance, you especially don’t want them in your home! If that happens - we can help. Skunks, raccoons, squirrels, rats, mice, ants, spiders, wasps: we treat your home like our home! Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg & surrounding areas. Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Online Booking:

  • When Do Wildlife Have Babies? And What to Watch For

    It’s officially Spring which means wildlife have already started having their babies. It helps that this year’s winter was mild in southwestern Ontario. Over the last couple months we noticed wildlife traveling in pairs meaning it was only a matter of time! This also means wildlife companies are getting busy with calls - you want to make that booking as soon as possible. So what should you watch out for? The most obvious sign that wildlife have made their way into your home is noise. Attics are the most common space for squirrels and raccoons to dwell. They are easily accessible, roomy and warm. They can also find their way inside garages and sheds. You may hear scratching, thumping or scurrying above your ceiling at certain points in the day, usually in the evening or morning. Inspect the perimeter of your roof. Sometimes you can see damaged soffits or fascia. If they’ve made their way through a vent or hole on top of your roof it might be less obvious. Newborn raccoons are extremely noisy and sound like birds - you’ll know they’re there. Another common spot to find wildlife is underneath porches, decks and sheds. This is where you’ll find skunks or the odd raccoon. Signs you may have something living there include holes dug out of the ground or lattice torn off. Another obvious sign of skunks is of course the smell. Less often, but still a possibility, you may hear wildlife in your walls. We have seen cases where a litter is born inside a wall, squirrels get stuck in a wall, or rodents are traveling through walls and between floors. Raccoons give birth once anywhere from late winter to mid-spring. If something happens to their first litter they may have a second one in the summer - although this isn’t overly common. Skunks wait until weather is favourable and typically give birth in mid spring, around May. Squirrels have two litters a year, mid-spring and mid-summer. Of course this is all subject to change - babies will come earlier if winter was mild. For an in-depth look at their habits before, during and after baby season, head to While it’s a lot more seamless for us to exclude these animals from your home or property BEFORE they have babies, we can still do the work after babies are born. Our goal is to do things in the safest, most humane way possible which means keeping mom and babies together. If you suspect wildlife have made their way in, no matter the time of year, we’re here to take care of it. Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services much of southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas. We are licensed, insured and experienced in handling raccoon, skunk, squirrel, bird, mice, rat, ant, spider and wasp issues! We treat your home like our own. Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email: Booking Form:

  • 5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Pest Control Company

    Deciding you need pest control is the first step - but where do you go from there? How do you know which company to choose and what questions to ask? Making the decision to hire a wildlife removal & pest control company should not be taken lightly. There are many things to consider when picking the right company for pest issues in your home or business. 5 questions to ask when choosing a wildlife removal and/or pest control company: Is the exterminator licensed with the Government of Ontario? ✅ To utilize industrial strength pesticides in Ontario, the law requires exterminators to hold a structural pesticide license that can only be obtained by completing a registered course and passing the final exam. This license must be renewed every five years to remain valid. Is the company insured? ✅ To be registered with Google Guarantee, a company has to have proof of license and insurance. Insurance is important to protect the business, the customers and the workers. Is the company a member of industry associations? ✅ Being a member of SPMAO (Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario) or NPMA (National Pest Management Association) or CPMA (Canadian Pest Management Association) are not required by law, but they show the integrity of the company and their willingness to stay informed and up to date. Do they have the animal’s safety in mind? ✅ We’ve seen unfortunate incidents where animals have not been treated humanely, babies have been separated from their mother too early or entry points have been sealed up without ensuring all the wildlife have exited the home. Ask what the company’s exclusion methods include, what is the protocol for checking for babies - and ensure the tech does the work they said they would do. Do they have a positive reputation? ✅ Check Google reviews, Yelp reviews, Facebook reviews and ask neighbours for recommendations. Check out their website and social media pages - are they active, clean, organized and informative? Are they active members of the community? Do they appear knowledgeable? A good company is honest, reliable and won’t be afraid to answer all your questions. At Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control - we tick all the boxes! ✅ For more info on our qualifications, head to We’re here to give you answers and ease your mind. If you have an issue we cannot help with, we’ll offer alternative resources. Find out for yourself and contact us today. Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email:

  • Spring is Baby Season Kickoff!

    Spring is upon us! Which means babies of all species will be popping up more frequently. We’ve compiled facts about mating & baby season for some common wildlife. We also included pointers on what to do if you come across a litter, and who to call. Raccoon kits: Raccoons breed in winter and spring, but a mild winter can mean early babies. Female raccoons are pregnant for 9 weeks, with litters of 1-7 kits born anywhere from late February to June or even July. Raccoons are extremely maternal and do not couple up, meaning litters are raised by only their mother. In fact if her first litter does not survive, she will have a second litter in the summer. Kits start leaving the den to forage at about 12 weeks of age. Females stay with their mothers longer than males, some as long as a year. Skunk kits: Skunks mate around late February to early March, when they leave their winter den. The females can actually store sperm away from her eggs until the weather conditions are favourable! They give birth after about 2 months - so kits are expected to start popping up around May. Female skunks have a single litter per year, and raise the babies on their own without the male. After about 8 weeks, the kits will start to forage at night with their mother, and typically leave the den for good by the fall. Squirrel pups: Squirrels have two baby seasons! One in the spring and one in summer. Litters are born around 1-1.5 months after mating, and can have anywhere from 1-7 pups each time. Although the pups are born naked and blind, they don’t stay with their mother for long. They start to forage after a month, and leave the nest for good by the late summer or early fall. Rabbit kits: A gestational period of only 1 month allows female rabbits to have 3-4 litters per year. They first mate around late winter and continue into the fall, with each litter producing 4-5 kits. They grow quickly, and can leave the nest for good after only 1 month. If you come across a litter, do not assume the mother has abandoned it. The mother typically comes back at night. To be sure, you can place grass or clippings around the nest. If you come back the next day and the clippings have been flattened, that means the mother was there! Opossum joeys: Opossums are the only marsupial native to Canada. They have 1-2 litters per year of 4-8 joeys, with their mating season starting in mid to late winter and ending in the fall. Opossums are pregnant for only 13 days! But joeys will stay in their mother’s pouch for 2 months, after which time they will travel on her back. At about 3-4 months of age, the joeys are old enough to leave their mother. Unfortunately hundreds of opossums are killed by moving vehicles each year. If you come across one, safely check for babies in her pouch if you are able, and contact a wildlife rescue right away. Bat pups: Bats are very interesting animals. Not only are they the only mammal that can fly, they are endangered and considered a protected species in Canada. Bats mate in the fall, but females store the sperm and fertilize the following spring. Bats do not repopulate as quickly, given they have 1 pup per year. Bats are pregnant for 1-2 months, typically giving birth in early summer. It is illegal to harm or kill bats, and wildlife companies are only permitted to exclude bats during May (before babies) and September (before hibernation)! In any case, if you find babies please do not panic or try to move them without professional guidance. All too often, people try to feed or house litters and unknowingly hurt the babies or worse. If you fear a litter has been abandoned, contact a wildlife rescue or rehab centre. has a map of locations all over Ontario. If you think you have a litter in your home or on your property, call a trusted wildlife removal company! A legitimate company will never trap and relocate a mother away from her babies, or separate them in any way. If we come across an accessible litter while on the job, we have a stringent protocol where we remove and place the babies in a safe, warm space where the mother will find and relocate them. We also screen off entry point(s) so that wildlife cannot get back in. Contact Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control today for a quote or booking! We service southern Ontario including: Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Brantford, Paris, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas. Call: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email:

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Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control

124 Ottawa Ave

Woodstock, Ontario N4T 0H9


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Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

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Terms and Conditions. Invoices are payable on receipt unless other terms are negotiated and agreed in writing by seller. By requesting service, accepting delivery or installation of goods or service, buyer agrees to pay the invoiced cost and agrees to be bound to these contract terms. By paying the invoice you are agreeing to the terms & conditions appearing here and on the invoice and you give our workers permission to enter your property and collect our traps, doors, bait boxes or other material. Please call our office if raccoon doors have not been removed after 14 days. Please call if you want a squirrel door removed. Screening work on holes will only stop wildlife and not mice. Only screened areas are guaranteed to stop wildlife for one year, new holes are not covered under guarantee. We are not responsible for water damage, or cut wire/pipes from digging around decks, sheds or additions. Full prevention jobs come with 1 year guarantee on screening. Pest control is guaranteed for 3 months unless otherwise stated.

Service Area

We serve Southwestern Ontario: Woodstock, London, Kitchener, Waterloo, Brantford, Stratford and surrounding areas

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